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Sunday, August 4, 2013

family is the foundation our lives

The National Family Council held its appreciation lunch on 30 July for its members and partners involved in this year's National Family Celebrations. Hubby was invited to this lunch as one of the partners involved, and he brought both little PJ and myself to the lunch as well. The family pledge was also launched then. We were the only 'family' present at the lunch and this was noticed by the press. After the whole event, we were invited for an interview regarding our response to the family pledge. This interview was featured in the newspapers the next day.

The purpose of this post is not to share the fact that we were featured in the newspapers, but rather to share how God has used us as a family as we choose to move in faith.

The journey began from the Momentum Conference: Family.Foundation.Future, where the Holy Spirit downloaded an idea in Hubby. During the car ride home, Hubby shared his idea with me, and our discussion conceived Project Cactus Love - a D.I.Y activity to design a cactus pot to promote appreciation of family. Hubby then put together a proposal within a few hours to apply for Project Superglue funding (the closing date for application of funding was the day after the conference).

4 weeks later, Hubby received a call to inform of the successful application to have the project executed at the National Family Celebrations on 29 June 2013. However, the haze situation then had caused the outdoor celebrations to be cancelled. BUT! That didn't put Project Cactus Love to stop. With divine opportunity and timing, Hubby managed to carry out this project at TOUCH Young Arrows Run & Raisin' 2013. Funds were raised at this event to bless the low income families under the wings of TOUCH Young Arrows. You can view the photos of Project Cactus Love here.

So after everything ended, Hubby got invited to the appreciation lunch blah blah blah (as mentioned above) and we got featured in the newspapers.

We really want to thank God for the opportunity to make a statement to promote family in a time like this. The institution of marriage is being challenged. But we believe in the commitment to our marriage and to uphold the Family as the foundation of our lives.

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