baby ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, December 29, 2014

our little helper!

This little girl likes to kaypoh around whenever we are doing the household chores. So we decided to go with her interest - join in the chores!

This was when we were still staying at my parents' place. There were more ferrying services that she could do.

Then when we shifted, she moved on from keeping the laundry to doing the laundry. 

Now, she helps with vacuuming the floor too. Initially, she was afraid of the noise from the vacuum cleaner and would run away from it. But I guess her curiosity overpowered her fear, so here she is, vacuuming the floor!

Many friends thought she was really a great helper at home, but please, do know that these videos 纯粹做效果而已。She is really just playing. But I do hope that she will continue to keep this helpful spirit and continue to do the household chores forever and ever!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

fun day @ Polliwogs

We wanted to bring little PJ for a swim on Christmas Day but the weather was no good. So we quickly googled about indoor playgrounds and decided on Polliwogs at Suntec City. It is still fine to bring little PJ to indoor playgrounds because she still pays the price of a below 2 years old. Priced at $13 for 2 hours, inclusive of the entry of the toddler and 2 adults, I think this very reasonable. So we stayed inside for 2 hours (out of which 40min was spent on lunch) and little PJ had fun with slides! (There were no balls there - PJ's favourites - so she could try out new things!)

LED slide!


She is rather proficient at climbing up stairs/structures and getting into the slide off position. Good training in school and at the playground below our house.

Then, she decided to try out a new way of sliding off. Haha!

Overall, I think that this trip to Polliwogs was good. Age-appropriate play areas, clean, not too many screaming and crazy kids, and mostly importantly, little PJ had fun.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

pattern 多过 badminton!

Little PJ's bed is the pink one and the mattress beside is the one that we would lie on if we were to sleep with her. I found her in these positions on 3 occasions and I really can't help but to snap some photos.
Rotated 180 degrees

Looks like a crime scene huh?

One bed is not enough

This girl, seriously laugh die me.

Monday, December 22, 2014

little PJ goes to Gkidz!

Little PJ has started attending Gkidz on Sundays. (Gkidz is like "sunday school") Currently, I am there with her throughout the sessions, as recommended by the Gkidz leaders. Most of the time, she will be ok playing with the toys  when she arrives. But as soon as the programme starts, she will stick to me like superglue and refuse to sit with other children. I can succeed in pushing her forward only occasionally.

Craft work - crown

Finally got her to stand on her own!
Hello let's be friends.

In Gkidz, little PJ needs to learn to follow instructions and participate in the programme. Of course, she cannot. Not because she doesn't want to, but because she is still transiting in and trying to make sense of what's happening. One thing that she is familiar with though, is the pack-up song that they sing everytime they need to pack up the toys. Because we have been singing this at home too!
After 3 weeks at Gkidz, little PJ has kind of learnt the "fold your arms, cross your legs" instruction. We've tested it out a few times at home and she does fold her arms and cross her legs. Pray that she will do the same at Gkidz too!

I certainly hope that she can fully transit it and I can attend service at the main auditorium soon!

Friday, December 19, 2014

we're going to the zoo zoo zoo

This is little PJ's second trip to the zoo. First time was when she was 9 months old and she spent most of the time in the pram and giving a blur look. Haha.
This time, she saw polar bears, dogs, monkeys, seals, giraffes and penguins.

Of course, not forgetting her favorite water play! (Which she spent most of the time standing at the same position because she was afraid of the water structures...zzZzz)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

守机碍情 Like me. I Like




说实在的,这部剧并没有高潮迭起的情节,一些揶揄英文缩写的部分 [如 MP (marketing partner), NMP (No Mobile Phones), NSP (No Selfies Please)] 显得有些多此一举,灯光和影像的投射也有些失误,但无可厚非的是,它描绘了现代人如何在守住手机时,阻碍了情感的交流,忽略了现实生活中的人际关系,让我有许多感触。更重要的是,我感受到了演员们的诚意。如何感受到诚意,说实在的,我也说不上来。就像是剧中人物文耀所说的,是种说不出的感觉,但心里真的感受到了。
