baby ticker

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Friday, April 26, 2013

33 weeks & counting..

Ok, for anyone who really wants to know, I shall announce that my Baby is a girl!
So the next question must be, "Is that what you wanted?"
Honestly speaking, that's my secret wish. But it's not like I am super super elated that this is really a girl, or be super disappointed if it turns out to be a boy. Whichever gender, I believe this is a gift and blessing from God. :)

And so I went to the gynae again on 22 April. I've gained 0.8kg, and Girl-girl has gained 0.8kg too. Which means I didn't gain anything! Gynae thought that I was dieting or not eating enough, but I swear I didn't diet. I eat 3 main meals & snack a few times a day, and this is the usual amount that I eat before I got pregnant. Actually, I did put on some weight (according to some people), it's just that Girl-girl is growing faster than I am. Now Girl-girl is weighing around 2kg, which is the right weight for now. Phew. I was pretty worried that she is underweight because of my small tummy and little weight gain. I pray that she will not be underweight, nor overweight by the time she is born.

I think Girl-girl is a shy baby. We wanted to take a good ultrasound picture of her but she was covering her face with her arms. Gynae tried for a good 10min or so, and we were telling her not to be shy, to move her arms away etc, but still to no avail. So in the end, no picture. :( Hope to catch her the next visit!

I also begin to catch a glimpse of the Chinese saying “养儿一百,长忧九十九”. When my tummy is too small, I worry. When Girl-girl doesn't move so much, I worry. I worry if she will be healthy, I worry if she will turn out to be a boy, I worry if she will be born smoothly.
Do I worry too much? Or is that just normal?
But I know that I can only trust that God has a wonderful plan for her and God will watch over her. Amen!

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