1. We lugged 2 luggage worth of baby clothes, bumpers, pillows, milk bottles, breast pads, swaddles, nappies (and things which I cannot remember) from my brother's place on 大年初三。Seriously, I dodn't expect to bring back so many things. I'm waiting to take stock and wash the baby clothes during the March holidays. Then, I can buy more clothes for Baby again! Wahahaha...
2. Hubby and I visited the Babycare Festival in February. We took some free samples of diapers and bought 2 sleeping suits for Baby because the designs were just sooooooo cute and reasonably priced that I couldn't resist. But but but..... Our happiest buy that day was the stroller! $110 only!
Somehow or rather, we couldn't find Capella strollers when we walked around the hall, only saw Combi and the what-not atas brands. Came across some China brands, but were too heavy. Then we saw Baby Ace, took a look and the sales people explained the functions to us. The weight was acceptable to us, functions were comparable to the Capella model which we were eyeing, but cost only $110. We didn't know anything about this brand (until we googled about it at home), but both Hubby and I were ok with this particular model, so voila, we paid for it. After the purchase, THEN we saw the series of Capella strollers just 10metres away. We believe that God 'blinded' us for that moment, that we couldn't see the Capella strollers, so that we could make this purchase. I was very happy when I left Expo. :)
3. Last visit to the gynae on 25 Feb revealed an even lower BP - 98/46. Seriously, I don't know what causes it. Gynae asked if I was stressed at work. Hmmm.. maybe??
4. Survived 1.5 weeks of Hubby being in ICT. I actually had separation anxiety when he left for the camp. What's going to happen when he's going to Hong Kong in March?? T_T
5. I'm gaining my appetite back, I think. I still can't eat too much at one go, lest I get heartburn. But I am starting to feel hungry more easily, especially when I am in school. (Those boys do zapppppppp my energy).
6. Think we've gotten most of the large items needed. Only left with the cot (which a kind friend will be passing to us. We just got to assemble and give it a new coat of paint.), and basic necessities like laundry detergent, diapers and baby wipes etc etc.
7. We've decided on Baby's name!! But of course, I shall keep it a secret until you ask me for it! ;)
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