baby ticker

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A few thoughts & updates

#1. Went back to work on 18 Jan. Colleagues were concerned, commented that I lost a lot of weight (some of them didn't know that it included what I lost during 1st trimester). Rather thankful for the concern that I received.

#2. Trying to get used to my lower physical strength. In the past, I could go for CCA on a Saturday morning, then cell group in the afternoon and church service at night. But now, I get tired after CCA. Got to learn to accept this graciously, especially as I approach the third trimester soon!

#3. Currently into my 22nd week and I haven't gained much weight yet (phew..). I was 59kg before pregnancy, lost 2 kg during the first trimester due to morning sickness, then another 1kg due to the sickness in January. Weighed 56kg on 12 Jan and 57.6kg in February. Baby's at the right weight and size for its stage, so actually I am the one losing the weight. Blessing in disguise? Not really sure about that. It's actually not too good for my body because it affects my health. I just pray that I will put on the appropriate weight, not fats.

#4. My bump is more obvious now. No longer look like I have overeaten at a buffet. I'm also trying to get used to the 'new look' and not feel paiseh about it, especially in school.

#5. Last visit to gynae still reveals that I have low blood pressure. BP 108/48. Gynae didn't suggest what to do to raise the BP, but just advised me to be careful when I stand up.

#6. The last post ended with saying that we will be going for the detailed scan soon. And so we did. Went through the report with gynae too. Baby's healthy and normal. As for the gender of the baby..... I shall keep it a mystery first. Ask me if you really really can't wait to know the gender of my child! ;P

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