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Monday, December 22, 2014

little PJ goes to Gkidz!

Little PJ has started attending Gkidz on Sundays. (Gkidz is like "sunday school") Currently, I am there with her throughout the sessions, as recommended by the Gkidz leaders. Most of the time, she will be ok playing with the toys  when she arrives. But as soon as the programme starts, she will stick to me like superglue and refuse to sit with other children. I can succeed in pushing her forward only occasionally.

Craft work - crown

Finally got her to stand on her own!
Hello let's be friends.

In Gkidz, little PJ needs to learn to follow instructions and participate in the programme. Of course, she cannot. Not because she doesn't want to, but because she is still transiting in and trying to make sense of what's happening. One thing that she is familiar with though, is the pack-up song that they sing everytime they need to pack up the toys. Because we have been singing this at home too!
After 3 weeks at Gkidz, little PJ has kind of learnt the "fold your arms, cross your legs" instruction. We've tested it out a few times at home and she does fold her arms and cross her legs. Pray that she will do the same at Gkidz too!

I certainly hope that she can fully transit it and I can attend service at the main auditorium soon!

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