Then, the pregnant lady is not supposed to use the scissors on the bed, or the child may end up with cleft lips or some sort of deformity. But for me, I believe that however the child turns out to be, it is by the grace and mercy of God.
For postpartum, we believe in a month-long confinement. There is a set of (many) rules to follow to ensure that the mother can recuperate and recover from the labour. So I, being a Chinese, had to observe confinement too after delivering little PJ. Yes, I do agree that I was weak after delivery, and I needed to recuperate. But there are just some rules that I cannot agree with. And so, yeah, I confess. I broke those rules.
Rule #1 - No going out
Staying at home for 30 days is not possible. Seriously. We needed to bring little PJ for her hospital reviews - a very legitimate reason to get out of the house. We also needed to replenish the diaper supplies, cotton balls and shop for pretty clothes for little PJ's baby shower. I can find a reason somehow.
Rule #2 - No bathing for at least a week
Well, in the past in China, clean water is not easily accessible to everyone. So to prevent infection caused by dirty water, they don't bathe. During winter, there is no need to bathe everyday as well. Hence this practice came about. HOWEVER, in the hot and humid Singapore today, with active sweat glands like mine, how can one not bathe? Even Mrs Wong Boh Boi says that we should bathe for hygiene's sake, as well as to prevent infection of the vagina. Moreover, I am breastfeeding exclusively. I don't want my little one to be suckling sweat and dirt instead of breastmilk. The confinement lady was shocked when she saw me walking out of the bathroom (I didn't tell her I was going to bathe. I just went ahead to bathe.) She said that I was not supposed to bathe for at least a week, and I shouldn't be bathing everyday. My reply to her was simply, “流这样多汗,不冲凉很恶心。又要喂奶。不可以,我一定要冲凉。” But I do try to keep the bathing short to prevent catching a cold.
Rule #3 - No washing of hair
Reason being, wind will enter the head and we will get headaches easily. On normal days, I cannot even stand not washing my hair for more than 24 hours, let alone during confinement, whereby I was perspiring like mad. So I washed my hair everyday. Needless to say, the confinement lady was again uncomfortable about this. But I didn't care, and I had my mum's support in this, so it wasn't too difficult to push through breaking this rule. But one thing I will do is, to dry my hair with the hair dryer as soon as I am out of the bathroom, so that I do not get a headache.
Rule #4 - No aircon or fans
To prevent wind from getting into the body. I don't have aircon at home, so that's not an issue. But I
Rule #5 -

During one of the hospital reviews for little PJ, I saw a lady who was also in her confinement month. She was wearing a jacket, long lounge pants, socks, covered shoes, a cap, and had a shawl wrapped round her head. And there I was, in my nursing tank, shorts and slippers.
Rule #6 - Drink red date tea, not water
Red date tea is supposed to get rid of water retention and wind (again). Not supposed to drink plain water because of wind (again). But I am a 水桶 (which means water bucket literally), I cannot survive without water. And to drink 2 litres of red date tea (we are supposed to drink at least 2 litres of fluids) everyday is absurd because it is so heaty. The confinement lady kept telling me to drink and finish the red date tea. My response was always to nod, then ignore. I filled my water bottle with water more often than my cup with the red date tea.
Rule #7 - No cold drinks
Cold drinks are not helpful for the recovery of the uterus. Ok this one I believe. Because when I first drank a cold drink after delivery, I experienced cramps. But there were a couple of times when I really wanted to taste some coffee very badly, so I got myself a decaf frappe. Secretly of course.
Rule #8 - Ginger, ginger and more ginger

It's supposed to get rid of wind. (This wind thing was driving me nuts, really) Every dish was cooked with ginger and sesame oil. Every meal, every day, for 28 days. So I put my chopstick skills into good use, by picking out every single visible ginger I could see. For every dish, every meal, every day, for 28 days.
You can say that I'm stubborn and I will regret when I'm old. Well, maybe. But as of then, I already had to battle with the challenges of being a new mum, so I would really love to have a few things less to battle with if I can. If I ever give birth to another child, and I have to go through confinement again, I will still be breaking these rules. Unless my body gives me warning signs that I should start observing these rules.
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