baby ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 19, 2015


婚礼虽美,但这也只不过是当下的浪漫甜美感觉罢了。完美的婚礼结束后,还需要用心经营婚姻。Wedding is for a day, marriage is forever.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

PJ moves on to pre-nursery!

I've had Parent-Teacher Meetings many times as a teacher. 2 weeks ago, I had my first Parent-Teacher Meeting as a parent. Happy to hear that little PJ is generally a good girl and enjoys playing in school. Also appreciate the photos of her in her personal portfolio.

The portfolio is like her "report book"

Come tomorrow, she will be moving on to the pre-nursery class. And she will wear school uniform too! Feels like it's another first day of school!
Trying on her uniform!
I pray that she will warm up to the teachers quickly, be able to follow the new routines, nap as much as she can, make new friends and enjoy herself in school. Hope she learns to speak soon too!