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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

the day I realised I was pregnant...


No lah, of course not. I was more calm than anything else.
I still remember, that was 6 Oct 2012, Saturday. I told the hubby, and he was confused. We went to the gynae on Monday and the gynae confirmed it.

Since then, 8 Oct 2012, my appetite took a 180degree turn. I lost my appetite, preferred only soupy and non-oily food. I stopped my daily cup of coffee, not because of the caffeine, but simply because I didn't feel like drinking it anymore. Chocolates and chips didn't interest me, and not even my favourite sambal kangkong. In short, I was TURNED OFF BY FOOD, any food. (Seriously, since when do you hear me say I have no appetite??)

Things I found bearable swallowing (note: it's not even eating) are porridge, bee hoon soup, non-dairy drinks and...... and............... Ok, I think that's about it. And everytime, I cannot finish my food because of poor appetite. And because I don't finish my food, I get hungry very quickly, then I need to eat (but I don't know what to eat), then eating became a dilemma, no longer a joy. I lost 2kg in just 1 month.

But my friends have assured me that once the first trimester is over, the appetite will be better, and that's when I will start craving for certain food, and the kilos will soon follow. (Hmmm.. not very motivating either.)

Well, I can't wait for the first trimester to be over, so that the pregnancy is more stable and my appetite can be back!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

a new beginning

Hi everyone. I've decided to start a new blog to jot down my new journey. I've given up blogging since 2011 because of work commitments. Tried to pick up again but failed after a few attempts. Was simply too lazy to blog. I'm going to try again. Not sure how long I can sustain this, but I'll try. Well, as the blog title suggests, this blog is mainly going to be about me being:
1. my husband's wifey.
2. my journey as a mother (to-be)

Though I think more will be shared on Pt 2.

Ok, that's all for this opening entry. Will post more about my thoughts of being pregnant soon. Till then!